●The Wealth of Nations after 2020 can be understood by understanding this mechanism.
The Mete Foundation is an organization related to SRP, but in reality, it can be said to be an ordinary registered corporation. Stories like this tend to become urban legends.
I work in that organization, so I understand the actual situation. In other words, it is a company that is registered as a corporation, has a business license, has a bank account, and provides general financial services.
However, the paid-in capital is 200 billion euros, which is difficult to imagine for a company with ordinary paid-in capital.Since this is an in-kind investment in the form of gold, the actual value is unknown, meaning it is infinite. is. Additionally, the US Treasury has over $1.3 trillion in assets (Tier 1 assets).
There are various other assets, but if you think about it normally, this is a company with a somewhat extraordinary amount of assets, so do such companies even exist? Also, since they have such large assets, are they running a huge business? I'm sure there are many people who think that way, but our main business is to operate as a gold reserve bank, issuing credit by lending our own collateral.
Therefore, internally, the foundation manages gold assets based on financial resources donated by 42 historically valuable royal family groups called historical assets, and manages gold assets based on financial resources donated by 42 historically valuable royal family groups. The bank is in the business of issuing euro credits, and the issued euro credits are distributed through partner companies around the world.
Further work will be carried out by each partner company.
One of the direct activities of the Mete Foundation is to recruit national governments from among the United Nations member states to join the Mete Foundation. In reality, this is a problem about the disparity in the value of currencies.
Developing countries (Global South) always hold major Western currencies such as the dollar and euro as international settlement currencies because their own currencies do not allow unlimited swaps with international settlement currencies. is needed.
Countries in the Global South need to earn foreign currency, so they must make various efforts to earn foreign currency.
Some countries are unable to earn foreign currency as much as they would like due to problems in acquiring foreign currency, and some countries are facing financial bankruptcy due to the government's lack of foreign currency. There are several countries where this has made life extremely difficult for the people.
Even considering these problems, it is necessary to provide a service that eliminates the shortage of international payment currencies. This means that future monetary policy is required to form a platform with the same common currency policy throughout the world, and SRP will regain its original function as a gold reserve bank so that the entire world can become an international settlement currency. We need to prevent governments from going bankrupt due to a lack of supply.
To that end, the Mete Foundation Group has amended the United Nations Regulations to make SRP assets available on the same platform for all national governments in the world. SRP's assets are governed by regulations related to the United Nations.
To that end, the entire project is carried out by a private corporation, but the U.S. Treasury Department conducts asset audits, and since the assets are so large, they have decided to utilize them in accordance with United Nations regulations. It has become a rule.
As for the guidance of the Mete Foundation's work, since it has been launched as a private company, as a private company it is recruiting national governments to become members.
A frequently asked question is, ``Why don't you provide guidance through a public organization?'' However, there are United Nations regulations and federal law regulations, and a company like our foundation whose assets are managed under international law, Strictly speaking, there is a rule under the U.S. Securities Act that prohibits involvement of public officials when it comes to companies openly providing guidance from public institutions. Due to federal regulations, this means that private citizens are required to carry out civilian work, use the Internet and develop connections, spread information, and recruit member countries.
The difficult part of this industry is that it is not a job that can be done normally, as the only customers that can be contracted with are heads of state.
Considering these things, there are 193 countries in the world that are members of the United Nations, and basically the national governments of countries in the Global South, which do not have the authority to decide on international settlement currencies, are first invited to become members. We have a business plan to have the country become a member.
The reason for this is that the currency system, broadly speaking, is based on the traditional central banking system. There is a system and this problem needs to be eliminated in the new era.
It can be said that there is an urgent need to solve this problem. In other words, the regional currencies of countries in the Global South must also provide a mechanism for unlimited and indefinite currency swaps with the international settlement currencies of the West.
The corporate policy of SRP's new asset management company, the Mete Foundation Group, is working to solve this problem.
In other words, SRP assets have long been lent to central banks. However, in a sense, the central banking system under the old system had preferential treatment to the banking systems of the G7 and G20, and the rest of the Global South has always had a hard time acquiring international settlement currencies. It could be said that it had an unequal nature.
Therefore, SRP will not renew the contract for lending SRP assets to the old central bank system, and will take the issue of disparities in the old monetary system from scratch to solve the problem itself. In order to solve this problem, we created a unique platform and built a mechanism that allows euro credits to be freely swapped with regional currencies around the world at a fixed rate.
This will be a mechanism called Mete as an international bridge currency. By the Mete Foundation issuing Mete as an international bridge currency,
Euro Credit ⇔ Mete ⇔ All regional currencies of the world
and can be freely swapped (exchanged).
Mete guarantees that it is a mechanism that allows swaps between the euro and regional currencies around the world at a fixed rate as of December 29, 2020, and holds assets that can always provide euro credits. Masu.
In fact, this would allow the world monetary system to be freely swapped by connecting it to an international bridge currency backed by gold, correcting the disparity problem in the old central banking system. In order to correct the problems of the old system, which abandoned the gold standard system with a fixed exchange rate and moved to a floating exchange rate system based on credit creation, the SRP of 42 new royal family groups launched their own banking system and established the Mete Foundation. We registered the group as a newly established company and started business in 2020.
SRP was originally engaged in the lending business of gold assets, and for central banking systems and global development programs, SRP's assets were lent to third parties, and the group continued to use them for many years after World War II. I went.
Therefore, he never took center stage.
However, due to the lack of progress in passing the fundamental issues of disparity and poverty, SRP made a decision regarding the policies to which SRP lends, and decided not to renew the loans at the next renewal date. SRP itself notified the lending system that it would not renew the lending of SRP assets next time.
SRP is gradually collecting collateral assets at the contract timing.
The transition period for contract renewal will take approximately 30 years; according to the federal law regarding collateral registration, the contract must be renewed every 30 years.
Related to this, the reason why central banks around the world are rushing to transition to cashless digital central bank currencies can be said to be because it will gradually become impossible to continue business using the old system. .
The world is moving forward with two policies: the bankers' group going cashless and the Gold Reserve Bank of SRP's asset management group spreading the use of an international settlement currency in the world's unified gold assets.
On the SRP side, we will work to stabilize world currency fluctuations to a fixed exchange rate using international settlement currencies based on the gold standard system, which issues currencies backed by gold.
In addition, SRP itself recovered the gold assets that it had lent to the old system, and SRP established its own organization, the Mete Foundation Group, and the new organization, which has no relation to the old system, will collect the gold assets that it had lent to the old system. You can say that you have created a support system.
The Mete Foundation is responsible for this work.
The Mete Foundation recruits member states from United Nations member states, undertakes public investment and general national projects through general consignment contracts, gives priority to member states to complete national projects, and after project completion, By transferring business to local areas, we will be able to realize national projects in countries that have not progressed all at once.
This is a system established by the SRP itself to solve the problem of lack of financial resources in member countries.
The Mete Foundation represents this work.
Some people were surprised to learn that the Mete Foundation's assets are managed on an extraordinary basis, but this is because the assets lent to all the world's central banks, etc., which SRP itself lent to the old regime, were contracted. By continuing to collect the money without renewing it at the renewal time, it is managed all at once, giving the impression that the wealth of the entire world is being collected, and this is exactly the case. .
Historically speaking, this amount of assets can be known from information known from audits such as the Committee of 300.
However, since this asset is so huge that it could cause chaos in the world if it is not used in the wrong way, its usage is extremely limited and strictly regulated.
In other words, in order to introduce a support project that utilizes SRP's assets, it is decided that unless there is a contract with the head of the national government (the prime minister or president), SRP's assets cannot be used in that country. It is.
This is determined by United Nations regulations regarding the use of assets related to SRP.
What is being monitored in this regard is legal monitoring under U.S. federal law.
It is natural for ordinary people to question this, ``Does such a world exist?''
This is a business related to the underlying assets of the economy throughout the world, which have supported central banks around the world behind the scenes.
This is a fact that employees working at central banks are unaware of.
Historically, very few people know about the fact that SRP's assets were lent out through European conglomerates and the history of their control, making it an urban legend.
However, since 1995, this system has been in place since 1995, with no new renewals being made at the time of contract renewal, and SRP has been preparing and collecting the payments.
To this end, in 2020, SRP itself set up its own management organization, the Mete Foundation, to recover assets from the old system and to return to the traditional gold standard system and fixed exchange rate. What is happening is the work of the Mete Foundation Group.
In other words, the world is talking about the Great Reset, but to put it simply, the SRP will collect backing assets that were lent to the old system, and the SRP will own the gold standard system and fixed exchange rate. Based on the international bridge currency, we will eliminate the disparities caused by regional currencies and fix the exchange rate.
The trend is to issue central bank currency and improve currency services as a local currency.
If you understand this, you will be able to understand how the world of the Great Reset will occur, but on Internet writing sites, among the followers of Nesara Gesara, from huge assets, it is said that all humanity will receive a great deal. It seems that you are suggesting that there will be a distribution of assets, but that is not possible.
Practically speaking, SRP asset utilization only distributes credits to national and private projects. We do not disperse large amounts of funds to increase personal assets.
There are rules for how SRP, the world's largest credit, is distributed.
Once signed by the head of state of a UN member state, funds will be distributed by the SRP to the member state to pay all costs of the national project.
In other words, we will never just throw away funds without doing any projects.
The way the world will become richer from now on is to become a member country and actively carry out national projects, and that country will become richer. This is because this is the method of distribution of the world's largest asset held by SRP.
There are no other options. In other words, the way for a nation to become wealthy is to become a member state and conduct national projects such as public investment, environmental improvement projects, infrastructure development, medical care, education, and solving problems of food, clothing, and shelter for people to live. By providing the necessary humanitarian assistance, countries will have access to rich financial resources.
All SRP assets are to be distributed according to national government projects, so if the head of state of a UN member state does not know this, there is no way to distribute the assets from the SRP even if they want to do so. There is no. Therefore, in this blog, I will explain it in great depth.
This blog contains very important information. The theme will be Wealth of Nations in the coming era. In other words, historically speaking, countries that are able to receive a good distribution of SRP assets will always become wealthy countries. This is the answer.