【公式】MSA総合研究所ブログ|SRP米国財務省資産|企業育成資金・日米償還金協定基準|★SBLC譲渡資金プログラム200M€~200B€★|日本国内PPP情報|相談実施中!|お問合せTEL 03-6820-0086 📱070-8401-7928(AM10-PM8)|

本ブログでは、国家予算外資金や簿外資金と言われる担保口座に存在する資産を活用した資金の活用方法は、世界の開発援助プログラムを裏で支える財源について、その実態について調べさまざま角度からブログで書いているリアリティーのあるブログです。シンクタンク MSA総合研究所の情報発信は、皆さんの知らない世界へ案内することです。Email: msasouken@gmail.com


筆者:メテ財団 グローバルアンバサダー
MSA総合研究所 理事長ブログ
◎WEB: https://msa.tokyo/  【MSA総合研究所】
WEB  https://sh8.net/ 【SRP資金本部 育成資金の情報】
ブログ https://msa1.exblog.jp/ 【天皇系八咫烏が案内する育成資金】


We will provide an in-depth explanation of the business model operated by the Mete Foundation.

We will provide an in-depth explanation of the business model operated by the Mete Foundation.

This page provides an explanation of the Mete Foundation, to which the author belongs.

As I explained about this foundation in my previous blog, it has a paid-up capital of over 200 billion euros.

The reason why he uses the expression 200 billion euros or more is that he means that the expression 200 billion euros or more means almost infinite.

In reality, it is a company backed by assets related to SRP, so in terms of asset value, strictly speaking, it is said to be 65 quintillion dollars.I read in a United Nations-related document, but in reality. I think it's based on the concept of infinity because it doesn't calculate that far.

In other words, the foundation has enough assets that it does not need any more considering the current global economy.

As a company with the world's largest assets, determining what kind of services to provide is a very important issue.

However, although it is often said that this kind of company does not have a realistic image in general, the company is registered normally.

So, of course, there is a register, and since this is not a Japanese company, there are no Japanese documents, but we have all his proper documents.

Actually, we have corporations in several parts of the world.

We are often asked if we have a Japanese corporation, but we do not have one.

However, in my capacity as the foundation's global ambassador, I am responsible for recruiting member countries from all over the world.

As expected, this is a company with such special circumstances, so even if you can understand the content, it is such an extraordinary story that people would normally be surprised to hear this kind of talk.

However, it does exist, and it is registered as a company, and its assets have been audited by the U.S. Treasury Department and registered with the U.S. Department of State, so I'm not just talking about it arbitrarily.

Some of this information is also made public on the foundation's official website, so he can see some of that information, including information from the State Department in New York.

People who do not understand the world of collateral in international bills of exchange may not understand the meaning of this information called UCC 3, which is registered with the Department of State in New York, U.S.A. However, assets in this world are basically Since it is a block fund, it means that it is not an asset that can be moved freely.

In other words, it is an asset that serves as collateral, and funds are created by issuing credits based on this asset.

This means that his Mete Foundation Group provides the world's only gold reserve bank structure.

In other words, it is a company with the world's largest assets.

However, just because it has the world's largest assets does not mean that it has the world's largest workforce.As a company, it will now be able to provide public works and development aid programs to governments around the world. Think of us as a start-up company that will continue to grow as a company that provides a system.

However, as a foundation, it is no different from a normal company.Since it is a corporation, it is no different from a normal company except that it has a large amount of assets.

Currently, when recruiting new member countries, we are looking for new member countries through referrals from various people.

But what I want everyone to understand is that for each country that becomes a member, we will provide an initial contribution of 10 billion euros.

I would like to emphasize only that part. Meaning: 10 billion yen It is easy to think that the company is just playing a game of offering 10 billion euros, but in reality, the initial introduction cost when recruiting member countries. By providing 10 billion euros to new member countries, I think it makes a lot of sense if you think of it as a reserve fund to facilitate future operations.

When it comes to introducers, some people seem to think that once they introduce someone, they can have a big impact after that, but an introduction is basically the end of an introduction.

After that, the foundation will establish a branch office as a local corporation.

The branch will employ local staff to carry out the work.

If you are able to demonstrate your abilities and proceed with the work after this introduction, we will hire you as a local member and you will be able to work as a staff member of the foundation.

Therefore, this is a normal employment situation, so it is not a world where you can hit something with one shot.

By working as a company, we will be working together.

Also, the foundation is sometimes asked if we need outside consultants or anything, but we do not make any contracts with such people.

When a foundation establishes a local corporation and undertakes public works investments or national projects, it seeks local staff to carry out the substantive work.

Or, for local public investment projects, environmental improvement projects, infrastructure development, energy development, agriculture, projects that require various types of construction and equipment, or projects that require human resource development, we will select partner companies with local priority. For projects that are judged to be difficult to carry out, a foreign business operator will be selected and commissioned to carry out the work.

In this way, we will realize various public investments and national projects in various countries.

In other words, the Foundation is the world's strongest financial company, and each United Nations member state in the world that has completed its membership contract with the Foundation will gradually enter into a comprehensive contract between the national government and the Foundation regarding national projects. The Foundation pays for all costs and completes public investments and national projects.

The completed national projects will not be managed by the Foundation, but will be transferred to the local company as a local company.

In this way, the Foundation's work will be to actively cooperate in various areas of public investment projects and national projects in member countries.

In other words, the problem of not being able to carry out a desired national project due to lack of funds will be resolved.

In order to build a relationship of constant communication with member countries, we have established a National Project Promotion Committee between the national governments of member countries and the Foundation, and regularly discuss necessary national projects.

The Foundation undertakes all the content that can be said to be necessary as a national project for the member country, and the Foundation provides all the funds and the Foundation itself manages the project and completes the project.

Now, there is a question as to whether we can receive various consultations from outside.In this regard, we will be providing support for national projects, so as a foundation, we will receive proposals from the national government that promotes national projects. We will respond to various projects.

There is a question as to whether we will deal with private investment, but in terms of the private sector, this will not be a mechanism like normal development aid, but will be in the form of a loan.

The foundation's rules are that the funds can be repaid in installments over a five-year period, followed by a five-year grace period, with the possibility of an extension in some cases.

The Foundation will carry out its financial operations by establishing a banking division and establishing a banking division as a local subsidiary in each member country.

The banking operations carried out by the foundation include an administrative department related to digital currency, a finance department that manages funds related to national projects and financial resources such as purchasing government bonds, and a financing department that lends funds to private projects. will be the main business.

In other words, the foundation will first enter into a contract with any United Nations member country that wishes to become a member of the foundation, and after signing a contract, he will provide 10 billion euros as an initial fee, and then begin preparations for establishing a local subsidiary. Masu.

As I mentioned earlier, we will establish a national project promotion committee, and what we will do as a local subsidiary will basically be a department that manages national projects and operations as a banking department.

In other words, in order to carry out this business, he will establish a local subsidiary in a member country, hire local staff to work there, and expand the company.

The business model of SRP's asset management group, the Mete Foundation, is to expand globally with this type of structure.

Therefore, please understand that this is just a business model that we operate as a company.

However, it is a little different from a normal business model because it is the only system in the world and has the world's largest assets, so it has a structure that allows it to realize development projects on earth from a different angle than ordinary companies. It can be said that this is the only type of business that can be realized.


■メテ財団が行っている事業モデルについて 深掘りして説明する。





こちらの財団については前回のブログでも説明はしましたが 払込資本が2000億ユーロ以上あります。

なぜ2000億ユーロ以上という表現にしているかは これは2000億ユーロ以上という表現はほぼ無限大という意味を指しているということです。

実際のことを言うと SRP に関する資産をバックにした企業ということになりますので 資産価値で言えば 厳密的には65京ドルになるとも言われていると 国連 関連の資料では読みましたが実際のところはそこまでは計算しないので無限大という概念にしているのかと思います。


つまり 財団 が 抱えている資産というものは 現在の地球上の経済を考えてもそれ以上必要がないという 量の資産を持っているということになります。



ただこのような企業というのはどちらかというと 一般的に考えて現実的なイメージを持てないとよく言われますが 会社は普通に登記されております。

ですから当然 登記簿もありますし これは日本の企業ではないので 日本語のものはないのですが きちんとした書類は揃っております。


実際に言うと 世界のいくつかの箇所に法人を持っております。

日本法人はありますか ということを聞かれますが 日本法人は作っておりません。

ただ 筆者としては財団のグローバルアンバサダーという立場で 世界各国の加盟国を募集する業務を行っております。


やはりこのような特殊な事情の企業でございますので 内容は理解できたとしてもあまりにも 桁外れの話過ぎて普通では非常にこの手の話をすると不思議がられます。


ただ事実として存在もしておりますし 会社としても 登記されております また 資産に関しては 米国財務省の監査をされ 米国国務省に登録されておりますので適当に話を言っているわけではありません。


財団の公式ホームページの方でもそのことを一部使用は公開しておりますので ある程度 その情報を米国 ニューヨーク国務省からの情報などを見ることができます。


国際為替手形における担保という世界が理解できない人にはこの UCC 3 と呼ばれる 米国ニューヨーク州 国務省に登録している情報の意味が全く理解はできないと思いますが この世界の資産というものは基本的にはブロック ファンド ということで自由勝手に動かせる資産ではないということになります。


つまり 担保になる資産ということになりますので これを元にクレジットを発行させて資金を作っているということになります。

これが世界で唯一の金準備銀行としての仕組みを提供しているのが メテ財団 グループということになります。


つまり 世界最大のアセットを持った企業であるということが言えます。

ただ 世界最大のアセットを持っているので世界最大の従業員を抱えている企業かといえばそんなことはなく 企業としては これから 全世界の国家 政府に対して 公共事業や開発援助 プログラムを実施するための仕組みを提供する企業として これから成長していく 新興企業だと考えてください。


ただ財団としては 通常の企業と何も変わらない 法人ですから多額のアセットを持っているという以外は普通の会社と何も変わりません。



ただ 皆様に理解してもらいたいことは 加盟国になった国に関しては初回に関しては100億ユーロの寄付を提供いたします。

その部分だけを強調します とある 意味 100億円 ユーロを提供するだけのゲームを行っているような企業に思われがちですが 実際のことを言うと加盟国を募集をした際の初期導入費用として 100億ユーロを新規加盟国に提供することにより 今後の事業を円滑にするための準備金ということで考えていたらいければ非常に理解できると思います。


ご紹介者に関しては基本的には紹介した時点で その後に何か大きく影響を及ぼすことができるのか などと思われている方がいるようですが 紹介は紹介で基本的には終わりです。



もし今回の紹介の際にその後も有力的に能力を発揮して作業を進めることができる方に対しては現地のメンバーとして雇用をさせていただき 財団のスタッフとして仕事をすることは可能となります。


ですから これは 通常の雇用となりますので一発 何か当てるような世界ではありません。


企業として作業を行うということで 一緒に働いていくことになります。


また財団の方では外部のコンサルタントとか何か必要ですか など と聞かれることもあるのですがそのような方々との契約をすることはありません。


財団 が現地で法人を作り 公共事業 投資や 国家プロジェクトを行う場合は実質的な作業を行う 現地でのスタッフを求めます。

または現地で公共投資事業 いや 環境整備事業 インフラ開発 エネルギー開発 農業 問題など様々な建設や設備などが必要な事業 または 人材育成などが必要な事業に関して 地元優先で協力企業を選定いたしますが 現地でそのような業務を行うのが難しいと判断された事業に関しては外国の事業者を選定をし業務を依頼することになります。


このような形で様々な国で様々な公共投資や 国家プロジェクトを実現させていきます。

つまり 財団は世界で最も強いファイナンシャルを持った企業として 世界の国連加盟国で財団との加盟国としての契約を終えた国は 順次 国家プロジェクトに関して 国家 政府と財団との間で 包括的委託契約を結び 財団 が全ての費用を出し 公共投資や 国家プロジェクト全体を完成させていきます。


完成させた国家プロジェクトに関しては 財団 が 管理するのではなく 現地の企業として現地に事業譲渡 します。


財団としての業務はこのようにして 加盟国の公共投資事業や 国家プロジェクトの様々な分野で積極的な協力を行っていきます。

つまり 資金面で不足で希望する 国家プロジェクトがあったとして できなかったという問題は解決します。


常に加盟国との間で連絡ができる関係を構築するために加盟国の国家 政府と財団との間で 国家プロジェクト推進委員会を設置し 定期的に必要な国家プロジェクトについて話し合います。


加盟された国の国家プロジェクトとして必要であると言える内容は全て引き受け 財団 が全ての資金を出し財団 自身がすべて マネジメントをして事業を完成させます。


では外部からの様々な 相談は聞くことはできるのかという相談がありますが このことに関しては 国家プロジェクトに関して支援をするということになりますので 国家プロジェクトを推進する国家 政府から提案をいただくことで財団としては 様々な案件に対応していきます。


民間投資に関して対応はするのかという質問はありますが民間に関しては これは 通常の開発援助のような仕組みではなく これは融資という形になります。

財団のルールでは5年間の支払い猶予とその後 5年間での分割払いによって資金を返済することができるというルールになっており 場合によっては 延長は可能であるという仕組みです。

財団はその金融業務を銀行部門を立ち上げて 加盟国に 現地法人としての銀行部門を開設します。


財団が行う銀行業務 というものは これはデジタル通貨に関する管理部門と国家プロジェクトに関する資金関連また政府の国債を購入したりする財源を管理する財務部 やそして民間プロジェクトに対して資金を融資する融資部門 などが主たる業務となります。


つまり 財団としては まずは国連加盟国の中で財団との加盟を希望する国があれば契約を結び 契約を結んだ後に着手金として 100億ユーロを提供した後に 現地法人の設立の準備に入ります。


先ほども述べたように 国家プロジェクト推進委員会の設置 そして現地法人として行うことは 国家プロジェクトを管理する部門 そして銀行部門としての業務 この二本柱で基本的には行います。


つまり その業務を行う上で 加盟国での現地法人を設立し そこで働いていただく 現地スタッフを雇用して企業を拡大していきます。

このような仕組みを持って 世界展開を行うことを考えているのが SRP の資産管理 グループであるメテ財団が行う事業モデルということになります。


ですから これはあくまでも 企業として行っている事業モデルであると理解をしてください 。


ただ普通のビジネスモデルとは少し違うところは 世界で唯一の仕組み 及び世界最大の資産を有しているために普通の企業とは違う角度で地球上の開発事業を実現できる仕組みを持っているということだけは唯一のビジネス 業態を実現できると言えます。





この財団については 2020年に新しく設立した財団にはなりますが 払込資本金が2000億ユーロ以上あり 米国財務省 資産 これは1.3兆ドル以上を保有しております。

その他にも短期米国債など相当な資産を保有している 財団ということになり 世界でも有数の資産を持った財団になります。

このような話をすると何か 都市伝説っぽい話をするのですか 実は 営業許可書 もきちんとあり、企業登記された会社であると言えます。


ですから このような世界というのは確かに プライベートクラブという世界であまりわからない世界のように思いますが これは結構普通に会社組織として行っています。


ある意味 世界の開発援助を支援する 世界最大級の資産を保有した企業であるという風に理解していただければ分かりやすいと思います。


また デジタル通貨を発行している中央銀行 システムも同時に運営しており 日本面での事業を行っている会社ということになります。


1つは世界共通のプラットフォームを持つ デジタル通貨 これはゴールドの裏付けと米国債を中心として各国の関係国の国債保有しそれを裏付けにデジタル通貨を発行しています。


それは一つのデジタル 通貨を管理する中央銀行 システムということになります。


この社名はアフロ ユーラシア セントラルバンクというネーミングになります。


もう一つは 開発援助 プログラム、 つまり 国連加盟国の国家 政府に対して加盟国を募集し 加盟国になった国家の公共投資を完全にバックアップする仕組みを提供するのがメテ開発援助 プログラムということになります。


このことについては 本 ブログでも詳しく説明しておりますので だいたいのことを 読者の皆様は理解できたと思います。


各国からの新規加盟国に関しては 様々な方からのご紹介を得て 加盟国を増やす方法をとっておりますが 加盟国になられた以降は財団としては 自ら 加盟国に支店を登記して 、会社としての運営として、各国の公共投資プログラムや開発援助 プログラムの資金面や技術面、 そして トータルで支援することを行います。


日本で言えば、どちらかというと JICA やまたアメリカで言えば USA ID などと言われるような行政に近い組織が行っている内容とは重なる部分はあるのですが、メテ 財団は多額の資産を持った非常に強いファイナンスがありますので、それを最大限に活用し 加盟国の公共投資や 国家プロジェクトを支援するという流れになっております。


また私どもの財団が行っている事業というのは国際的 非営利財産ということで行っておりますので、何かを搾取することが目的ではありません。


各国の公共投資 プロジェクトや 国家プロジェクトを推進し 完成した後は地元に事業を譲渡します。


それでは財団として何かメリットあるのですか と言われますが 、その際は 加盟国の国債などを保有することによって価値の保全を行います。


つまり 財団としては 各国で多くの仕事をし 公共投資や開発援助 プログラムを実行することにより各国の国債保有しそれを担保にまた新たなデジタル通貨を発行するための担保力とします。


そうすることによって 各国政府は国債を発行するということは 同時に 通貨の供給量を増やすという意味になります。


メテ財団が提供する デジタル通貨に関しては これは2020年12月29日のユーロとの固定レートでMeteという名称のデジタル通貨が交換されています 。


これは世界の全ての地域通貨の交換レートを固定するために 2020年の12月29日のユーロのレートと世界の通貨のレートで固定レートでMeteという デジタル通貨をブリッジでスワップできるようにします。


つまり レートの変動をなくすということは 貿易決済における通貨の変動をなくし、 一方的な金融的攻撃により通貨の価値が大きく乱高下することを防ぎます。


たとえ、 市場の通貨が大きく変動したとしても Meteのデジタル通貨は 固定レートでユーロ と 世界各国の通貨がスワップできるような価値を保っているわけですから、 外部の影響を受けずに財団 が提供する プラットフォームの中では スワップが可能ということになります。


そのためにも財団としては自己資産を投じて 各国の開発援助 プログラムを行い 各国の国債保有することにより 自らのデジタル通貨の価値を保ちます。


つまりこのことを行うことによって自由変動における通貨の仕組みというものに影響受けない仕組みを提供するというのが、 財団の行う 世界規模のソリューションであると言えます。


これはある 意味 1971年以降の信用創造 と呼ばれる金融システムに移行した後に、実際の価値 以上のクレジットが発行されているような中で、通貨の価値が本当にその価値であるか 保全されているのかということが 疑問視されています。


そのようなことを考えても財団 が提供する 裏付け資産というのは一つは ゴールドの裏付けになったクレジットであること それと同時に 世界各国の開発援助 プログラムを行った国家の債権 つまり 国債保有しているということ の担保力、 つまり国家の開発をすることにより国の価値を上げているわけです。




それと同じことで、国家の価値というのは 国家全体にどのような投資をして開発をしてきたか というのが 国家の価値になります。

メテ財団としては 各国の加盟国の国家の価値を高めることによって その国家から提供される国債の価値も高め それを保有することによってその担保力を持ち その国債の担保力を使って通貨を発行することによりMeteのデジタル通貨の価値は保全 されます。


このような仕組みを持って 世界各国の開発援助 プログラムを行うこと を比較しているのは SRP の資産を管理する世界で唯一の管理組織である Mete 財団 グループによって行われております。


【公式】MSA総合研究所|米国財務省資産SRP:メテ財団グローバルアンバサダー|METE連加盟国加盟国100億€寄付|SBLCの収益化プロジェクト250M€~200B€|PPP(Private Placement Program)情報|金融経済シンクタンク| 無料電話相談実施中!|TEL 03-6820-0086 MSA Research Institute| Global Ambassadors of the Mete Foundation | WhatsAPP:+81-7084017928



Explanation of the outline of the business plan of the Mete Foundation

Explanation of the outline of the business plan of the Mete Foundation


The Mete Foundation is a company established in 2020. Mete Foundation is a registered corporation. There are business licenses, etc.

The company has a paid-in capital of more than 200 billion euros and assets of 1.3 trillion dollars, including US Treasury assets (Tier 1). It operates as an international non-profit foundation.

There are two main tasks. One is the dissemination of a new-age digital currency called MeteDBN as a banking business and various fund settlement operations, and the other is financial support for national projects in member countries and management of the entire project through a comprehensive contract. It will be. After the project is completed, it will be transferred to the local community.

The Mete Foundation will provide member countries with an initial contribution of 10 billion euros once they become members. Member governments and the Mete Foundation will then set up a national project promotion committee. There, we will discuss the promotion of national projects and ways to solve economic problems.

The Mete Foundation opens Mete Foundation branches in member countries. (Local corporation)

We will open two departments.
1. Banking Department Mete Digital Currency Department (Ministry of Finance) National Debt Department Private Project Business Financing Business
2. National project management department (financial management, schedule management)

Establish two departments and hire experts for each department. We will hire locally and dispatch personnel from our headquarters.

The national project management department selects local cooperation companies and foreign cooperation companies that can construct public investment projects. The Mete Foundation will pay the entire cost to realize the project, manage and complete the national project. After the national project is completed, the project will be transferred to the local government.

Through this mechanism, the Mete Foundation's operations will form a global network among United Nations member countries and improve business services.


  • メテ財団の事業プランの概要について解説


払込資本金は、+ 2000億ユーロ以上、資産は、1.3兆ドル 米国財務省資産(Tier1)を保有しております。国際的非営利財団として業務を行っています。




1,銀行部門 Meteデジタル通貨部門(財政部)国債部門 民間プロジェクト事業資金融資業務
2,国家プロジェクト管理部門(財政管理 工程管理)




Explanation on support methods for national projects

●Explanation on support methods for national projects

I have been posting a blog in Japanese, but I will be translating it into English and posting the same blog content from now on. Recently, we have received an increasing number of inquiries about the Mete Foundation from various countries, which explains the growing interest.

It can be said that the situation is extremely difficult due to financial shortages in each country. Once a country becomes a member of the Mete Foundation, it will be immediately adopted for public investment projects as national projects. This means that the Mete Foundation will invest all of the funds to complete the project. Once the project is completed, the Mete Foundation will transfer the business to the local community.

The Mete Foundation has established a National Project Promotion Committee with member countries to consult with member countries regarding national projects they are seeking.

If a comprehensive contract for a national project is concluded between a member country and the Mete Foundation, the Mete Foundation will manage and complete the entire project, from investment to national project.

Priority is given to local companies as selected business operators, but if it is difficult to implement the project due to technical issues with a local company in a member country, the project will be carried out in partnership with a foreign company.

In other words, although the main purpose is to foster local companies, we also improve the quality of the project by introducing excellent foreign technology.

For national projects, the budget will be unlimited. We also support various national projects.




  • 国家プロジェクトに関して、支援方法について解説

















A message to those who wish to provide support regarding ODA: Please understand and utilize the Mete Foundation's ODA mechanism.

A message to those who wish to provide support regarding ODA: Please understand and utilize the Mete Foundation's ODA mechanism.

The Mete Foundation realizes its projects by entering into comprehensive contracts for public investments carried out as national projects in United Nations member states. In other words, if there is a national project that requires public investment, we will enter into a comprehensive contract with the Mete Foundation and the national government. The contract is with the president or prime minister of the national government. Other agents cannot sign the contract.

When the Mete Foundation makes public investment for a national project on behalf of the government, the contract must be signed with the president or prime minister of the contracting country, allowing the public investment project to be realized as a national project.


When the Mete Foundation undertakes a national project, it must not apply political pressure or solicit bribes. That is the condition. The important thing is to have a national project that tells you what kind of public investment you want to make.


It can be used in a wide range of ways. In other words, we can handle a wide range of projects from public investment projects to security-related fields. We will be able to undertake all public investment projects necessary for the nation.


The first step is to become a member of the Mete Foundation. Member countries sign comprehensive commission treaties for public investment projects they wish to undertake. Therefore, the Mete Foundation will provide financial backing to make the project a reality. Once all projects are completed, localization can be achieved by transferring the business locally.


In this way, it will support the Mete Foundation's projects towards national governments for public investment.


If you are involved in ODA-related activities and would like to obtain information from this blog and support related countries, here are some ways to utilize the Mete Foundation:


First, please make sure that the country you are trying to support is a member of the United Nations and has not committed any acts of global treason. There are many countries that are members of the United Nations whose national situation is in turmoil due to military regimes or acts of rebellion, so in such cases we will not be able to provide assistance.


If the country is a member of the United Nations and is a peaceful nation, it will be eligible for assistance.


Please check whether the country has a plan for what kind of national public investment project they would like to undertake. If there is a project that you would like to carry out as a national project, we can provide support for projects that have a public nature or are necessary for the nation.


Is it possible to obtain the consent of the country's president or prime minister to promote the national project? In other words, the Mete Foundation must enter into a contract with the president or prime minister.


By doing so, once a country becomes a member, it will take on national projects. An initial contribution of 10 billion euros will be made at the time of the agreement. National projects as public investments sign a comprehensive contract with the Mete Foundation, and the Mete Foundation provides full financial support for the project and makes business investments. After completion, the business will be transferred to the local area. With this kind of system, public investment as a national project can be realized without restrictions on financial resources. Furthermore, there is no need for the public to bear the cost burden.


Please understand this flow.

Understanding this mechanism among national government leaders in target countries will enable member countries to continue making public investments, leading to increased outcomes, employment opportunities, and incomes.


This can be called the New Deal policy for a new era.

There is no limit to the size of your budget, so once you understand how this works, you won't be able to find a better system. In addition, it takes about two months from the time the contract is signed until the financial resources are injected, so it can be said that it is a project that can be decided and implemented very quickly as a development aid until the budget is implemented.

We will explain in an easy-to-understand way how to visualize the Mete Foundation's business plan.

We will explain in an easy-to-understand way how to visualize the Mete Foundation's business plan.


Images are important in order to make things come true. In other words, it is said that you cannot realize what you cannot imagine. For the Mete Foundation, the maximum budget is 1,300 trillion euros. This is the maximum budget that can be used in the 30-year plan from 2020 to 2050.


It's so grand that it's hard to imagine, but there are about 200 countries in the world. If you simply calculate the average budget available per country,


The calculation result is 1,300 trillion euros ÷ 200 countries = 6.5 trillion euros.


In other words, each country has an average budget of 6.5 trillion euros. In other words, at the current Japanese yen rate, it is 1,000 trillion yen.


If we simply divide that amount over 30 years and calculate it, we get 1,000 trillion yen ÷ 30 years = 34.4 trillion yen.


As you can understand, if all member states of the United Nations became members and distributed the same amount to each country every year, the Mete Foundation would receive an average of 34 trillion yen per member country each year. public investment projects.


This is how it would be if we were to distribute it on average per country, regardless of its land area or population. If public investment of 34 trillion yen could be made every year, and continued for 30 years, every country on earth would carry out environmental improvement projects and carry out national projects on issues related to infrastructure, energy, medical care, education, food, clothing, and shelter. Don't you imagine that if you invest in the member countries, the situation will definitely improve?


In other words, the purpose is to create a world where humans and living things can live sustainably, by making use of this huge amount of budget that is scheduled to be distributed, focusing on public investment and environmental improvement projects throughout the planet.


Member countries must proactively resolve various issues and problems in order to improve their own environment through environmental improvement projects. To do that, the Mete Foundation will support national governments.

In other words, if all countries consider continuing public investment with a budget of over 34 trillion yen every year and promote environmental improvement projects while continuing to invest, considerable results will be achieved over 30 years. It can be said that it can be produced. Since financial resources are vast, we should consider how to utilize them.


Therefore, in order to promote and carry out the national projects of our member countries, our foundation has decided to conclude a comprehensive contract with the member countries so that we can immediately take on various national projects and carry out the work. I will do it. Once a public investment project is completed, the project will be transferred to the local community, who will then manage it.


In other words, the Mete Foundation funds public investment projects in member countries, supervises their implementation and brings them to completion. After completion, all operations will be transferred to the local government.


Using this pattern, we will carry out national projects requested by member countries. In other words, in order to realize such a huge public investment project, we need companies and human resources to carry it out. In other words, we can create opportunities to improve the level of corporate technology, create employment, and, in conclusion, create a prosperous environment.


This can be described as a public investment project that could be called the New Deal for a new era. In other words, SRP actively invested funds in public investment projects starting with the New Deal policy after the Great Depression from 1930 to 1935.


There is such a history. In other words, although it started in the United States, this SRP public investment project has a history of being used as a limited national project, but when establishing the Mete Foundation in 2020, the United Nations regulations were revised. The system was amended to allow all United Nations member states to utilize SRP assets in public investment projects.


This is a little known fact, but this is an internal work. With this amendment to the United Nations rules, SRP is now able to utilize funds for public investment projects in each country. The Foundation recruits member countries and actively supports public investment projects for those countries.


Basically, in many cases, the Mete Foundation backs up funds as a behind-the-scenes job, supporting government finances such as purchasing government bonds, but from now on, it will actively support public investment projects that are visible on the surface. By investing funds in , we are looking forward to recruiting member countries and requesting public investment projects of their choice.


Therefore, the reason why I am actively explaining this on this blog is to increase the number of member countries and to collect information on which countries are seeking what kind of public investment projects. If a desired public investment project exists, it will be our foundation's accomplishment to take on that project and bring it to fruition. "Mete" means "to distribute".


In other words, the Mete Foundation's job is to complete public investment projects and use and distribute funds.

We are actively seeking requests for amazing public investment projects from United Nations member states. Honestly, I have a big budget, so I'm looking for a huge, amazing project. The Foundation actively undertakes and supports public investment projects that are national projects. Once completed, everything will be handed over to the local community.


This image helps readers of this blog who are promoting projects such as public investment projects, ODA, and development assistance, to understand our foundation. I think this will give you better information. This means that unless we first increase the number of member countries, we will not be able to actively undertake public investment projects from our foundation. The Foundation's approach is to undertake all public investment projects as soon as it becomes a member. In that case, a comprehensive consignment contract will be concluded, the subsequent work will be completed by the foundation, and once completed, the project will be transferred to the local area. This pattern supports member countries' public investment projects. By using this method, proactive public investment projects can be realized without any financial burden on the government or the public.

●The Mete Foundation provides comprehensive support for public investment projects in member countries, from all financial assistance to project completion.

●The Mete Foundation provides comprehensive support for public investment projects in member countries, from all financial assistance to project completion.

This blog informs us that the Mete Foundation is recruiting member countries to promote public investment in United Nations member countries.
To become a member state, an agreement is signed with the president or prime minister of a UN member state, and an initial donation of 10 billion euros will be made.

Subsequently, between the Mete Foundation and national government leaders of member countries,

◯We will establish a “National Project Promotion Committee.”

The committee discusses with the government what kind of public investment is necessary, and the Mete Foundation signs a comprehensive contract with the government, allowing the Mete Foundation to manage the entire national project from a financial perspective. We manage and carry out public investment projects.

◯Once the public investment project is completed, we will transfer the local project.

In other words, after the contract is signed, the Mete Foundation will enter into a comprehensive consignment contract with the national government for various national projects, so that various public investment projects can be realized without the need for public or government burdens. It will be. For public investment projects, we give priority to local companies in terms of on-site technical and construction work, but in some cases we may also outsource to overseas companies. The Mete Foundation selects business operators to carry out the national project, and completes the national project by managing costs and the entire project.

Through this mechanism, various public investment projects can be carried out and completed by immediately taking over national projects of member countries.

In other words, after the project is completed, the Mete Foundation will transfer it to the local community, so that the local people can continue to carry out the project.

The Mete Foundation runs development assistance programs that help member countries proactively implement public projects.

This is a model that does not require any government or citizen contributions. The Mete Foundation is developing its business to actively realize general public investment projects through comprehensive consignment agreements with member countries. There is no limit to the size of the budget. We can undertake national projects worth hundreds of billions of euros. We provide support to realize public investment projects that may cost more in some cases, that is, public investment projects for the entire country.

This is not a partial investment. Member States should feel free to request public investment projects in their countries from the Mete Foundation, and we will help set up mechanisms, finance and investment programs to make them a reality.

In other words, if you can exchange opinions with the member countries of the Mete Foundation through the National Project Promotion Committee and request a public investment project of your choice, we will enter into a comprehensive contract with a member country of the Fund and the entire project to demonstrate the project. The Mete Foundation's job is to move the project forward, and once the project is completed, it will be transferred to the local community and the local people will continue to run the project.

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